Tuesday, December 28, 2010

10 months and 2 days...

It has now been 10 months and 2 days since we were placed on the waitlist, and 20 days of being at number one. Both waits longer then I had anticipated or hoped. I have been doing pretty good thanks to the business of Christmas and knowing that AGCI was closed until yesterday. Now i'm going crazy again. I am hoping and praying it is this week, since a lot of my family is together.... and cause I can't wait one week more.
I gave M a little scare this mornin. On my phone I had AGCI's number set to a specific ring tone "One Love" by Bob... M's pick. I had to get a new phone and had downloaded the ring tone but hadn't changed it yet. I was listening to the ring tones I had downloaded this morning before M got up and a few seconds after I played One Love, M came running down the stairs thinking we were getting the call. Poor boy. I'm pretty sure I would have started to cry if the roles had been reversed and I had the false alarm. But now we are all set up.


Jenny said...

praying for you... this part is so hard. knowing you're next and just staring at the phone all the time... praying and praying you are blessed with an amazing new year!!! i love the ringtone you chose!

Becca Harley said...

oh, it is coming!!! hanging with you sister - every day past ten months is killing me!

FRYER FAM said...

We keep checking. Oh, I can't wait for you to get the word! I hope your holidays were enjoyable:) miss ya. Tell M, & J2 hello for us.