Monday, December 6, 2010

Here Comes Santa Clause

On Saturday our community had a small Christmas party where Santa made a guest appearance. I was so glad he was there since I refuse to pay the $20 to see him at the mall and I love to get a picture every year with him and the kids. Jet was still nervous this year but he did force himself to sit on Santa's lap so he could tell him what he wanted for Christmas. I felt really bad for Santa this year since the room we were in was about 1000 degrees, I'm sure he was roasting. After the kids sat on Santa's lap they decorated a cookie and drank hot chocolate. We all had a great time. I must admit Christmas is and always has been my favorite holiday, I love the music, Christmas movies, the excitement and spending time with family. It seems like everyone has been hating on Christmas lately since it is so commercialized these days, (which I totally agree with) but I LOVED Christmas eve and waiting to see what Santa was going to bring me growing up. I love seeing my kids get excited for it too and I also love being able to bribe my kids to be good cause Santa has elves watching. I try to teach my kids and Ithink they get the true meaning of Christmas and we celebrate Christ's birth and try to focus on him and giving to others, but I think it is o.k to believe in Santa too. Just the other day J said that she used to think Christmas was about getting presents but now she thinks it is about giving gifts. She has been so excited and determined to find the perfect gift for M and I. I love my girl and I love Christmas....

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