Monday, December 20, 2010

Nothin yet.

Nothing yet my listserve peeps. Our Case worker emailed me again about some USCIS stuff and again wished me Merry Christmas. Enough with the dashing of my hopes for a Christmas referral. Hmm this is sounding an awful lot like another complaining about not getting a referral post so I will stop. Just wanted all those behind me to know, there is nothing yet.


Becca Harley said...

oh girl - I wish that I could make your phone ring! praying for you today, for a call and for peace.

Jenny said...

:( i so badly want you to have your Christmas referral! still praying...

April and Nate said...

I've been thinking about you! I will keep praying your phone rings too. Don't feel guilty about complaining. Seriously. It's totally normal that you want to see your little girl. Keep hanging in there. She is worth it.

G said...

Thinking of you everyday! ~Gini :)