Wednesday, December 15, 2010

One Week

It has now been 7 days since we have been at number 1 and still no call. I was doing so good until today... for some reason I convinced myself we were getting the call some time today. Not sure why but it did not make for a fun day, especially when 5:00 came around. Waiting sucks. Jgirl thinks Thursday is going to be our day so lets hope she is right.


Jenny said...

oh i hope it IS tomorrow! i only waited 3 days and thought that was torture... i can't imagine anything more! ugh!

Amy @ OurScoop said...

Fingers crossed!

Becca Harley said...

oh - let it be today!!! PRaying for you today - cannot wait to hear your news:)

Lauren said...

I am praying for you! I can't imagine how hard it is to wait for more than a few days at #1. I am hoping for today too!!!! :):)

Bill and Traci said...

I have a good feeling that today is THE DAY! Hoping and praying that I'm right : )

Amy Snell said...

I'm praying you get the call soon!! Cant wait to hear details :)