Monday, January 24, 2011


This might be a bit long but I wanted to remember every bit of this perfect day, the day we saw our daughters face after a long 14 month wait. (11months on the waitlist and a record wait of 47 days at number 1)

You have no idea how long I have waited to make this post. I was at the gym this morning since I hadn't been in a while. Jet complained as usual since he hates the play place (until he gets in it... than he loves it) It was packed since there was a Zumba class about to start. At about 9:30 I found a treadmill and tried to start running but the treadmill was broken so I picked another one. It was also broken.... probably something telling me to go home and take a shower instead of working out since we would be getting our referral that day and I looked like a freak with bed head and all. The 3rd treadmill worked and I started my work out. I set my phone with the screen facing out so I would be able to see if the call came... although I didn't have any high hopes since we had now been waiting almost 7 weeks at number 1 and still nothing. At 9:41am I heard my phone ring but couldn't tell if it was "one love" I did however see the AGCI name. My eyes immediately started watering and I stopped the machine and answered my phone while gathering all my stuff. B said hello and asked if I had a second to talk. I answered yes and went into a bathroom stall where I let the tears flow. She started telling us about a sweet 8 month old baby girl. We talked for about 5 minutes while she gave me some info on our baby girl, then I said I should go to M's office and call her back so he could hear everything too. I tried to phone M on the way to my car but he wouldn't answer his cell so I phoned his office and told P his secretary that Dr. Briar (her new name or so I hope M will go for it) phoned so I am on my way over. She was a little confused and repeated the message back to me a couple of times and said she would do it. I rushed to M's office and luckily my mum was there so we all piled into M's office and phoned B back. M kept having to leave to work on patients so I took some good notes. After we received all of the info B asked if we had any questions. I told her I just wanted to see a picture. She quickly sent over 5 but I wasn't going to open it until M got back,he said he would be done in 20 minutes. So as B was talking to me I saw the email came in so opened it so I would be ready when M came back. I scrolled down to the attachment and there was a mini little picture of our sweet baby girl. I started balling and stopped listening to B. I told her I accidentally just saw a picture so stopped listening to her and she would have to repeat what she just said. I looked away and let my mum have a peek.. I got off the phone with B and stood to the side while my mum described her to us. Skinny little thing, big ears, big eyes, tall, and sooo cute were a few of the descriptions I got.Jet also said she was a cute little girl. Finally M came back and we were able to see her. She is so perfect and we are soooooo happy and in love. I can't wait to show Jgirl when she is done school.

In the days following this call we have looked at her beautiful, perfect face millions of times. We can't stop looking at pictures and are so thankful for families who have sent us more pictures. From what we could see of her personality, through the pictures, she seems quiet and inquisitive. In a lot of her pictures she has the cutest little scowl. Her personality seems to be a lot like Mike's when he was a baby. We love her more than I ever thought. already.
When you look at the pictures, remember I hadn't showered.... nor did I that day.

Oh ya, sorry we can't post pictures of our girl until we are home (only parts of her so you can't make her out... hence the cute little curls), agency rules. But if you see me in person I will definitely show you and I carry them with me at all times. Actually I will probably ask to show them to you... even if I don't know you. When I want to show her pictures to people I know.. but not that well ( like Jgirls dance studio owner/teacher), I just give a picture to one of the kids and tell them to ask the person if they want to see their little sister. It always opens it up for a picture display.... I'm just sayin.... it works every time.


Wendy/Blue Lily said...

We are so freaking excited for you guys. She is soooooooooooooooo cute and I can't wait to get the lens on her! Eeeeek!

Lauren said...

what a great story!!!! SO happy for you! :)

Jenny said...

love it! so happy that part of the wait is OVER for you all!

Becca Harley said...

oh girl - the tears are not know why I did not see this until today, but I guess I needed to have a really good cry. so excited for you guys

Amy Snell said...

I am so so freaking happy and excited for you guys!!! Seriously, I am gonna stop by the house so I can see thee whole pic!! Just the same I heart her curly hair :) AHHHHHHHHHHH, so so exciting :P

The O'Neal Family said...

I love how you didn't leave anything def want to remember every aspect and I am SO excited for you!!!! Love her little curls!!!! :)

The O'Neal Family said...

I love how you didn't leave anything def want to remember every aspect and I am SO excited for you!!!! Love her little curls!!!! :)

G said...

Love this post! YAY!!!!!!! I'm so happy for you!

(And totally love the bit about showing the pictures to everyone--I totally do that!) :)

SETHER+ONE said...

Chantel! I am so happy for you guys! She has got to be the luckiest little girl in the entire world. You look so in love. :) If you want to you can send me a picture (or 5) of her! Love you!!!

*Shelli* said...

Congrat's! What an amazing day. Sweet pictures of you guys. LOVE how you detail everything and are taking pics along the way!♥