Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Keep em coming

I am not sure if I have mentioned this yet or not, but we are part of a listserv made up of other adoptive families, adopting from Ethiopia, from our agency. I am really lame and haven't taken the time to figure out how to post a comment since it has recently changed... so I quietly stalk it. I am addicted to this listserv since it tells me when referrals have gone out. Every day (or... every minute) I search for the words "REFERRAL" which if it was an infant girl means we have moved down a number. (also if a family is on both lists and they get referred a boy, and they are ahead of us, then our number also goes down) So the family on the listserv that was number 1 for an infant girl is not on the list serve but the number 2 family is. They just received their referral today. Soooo, that may mean we are unofficially number 10. I am loving the surge of girl referrals but do feel bad for the families on the boy list. I know this will turn around soon and the boys will start being referred. This kinda bums me out since I don't want to wait much longer, but i know this is all in Heavenly Fathers hands and we will be referred the baby that is meant for our family.
Another update is we moved (last May) and haven't done the homestudy addendum yet since we thought we were going to buy a house and move again before now. Well now we can't buy a house until December, since all of the banks want M to have a 2 year history of owning his practice. So I finally contacted our home study agency and it looks like we will need to do an update rather than addendum since our home study will expire in the end of February. Our home study must be active until we bring our baby home. This involves re-varifying M's job, updating our financial statement, re-doing all of our medicals, and getting refinger printed... and re-pay for all of it. Our social worker also needs to come do a home visit so we have her scheduled on Saturday. We are in a rush to get this done because I don't think we can receive our referral until it is complete. So let the paper chasing begin... again.


Becca Harley said...

You are right in front of us!!! Oh my goodness - we are so close!!! MAybe we will get to travel together:) Praying that you get it all done quickly

Jenny said...

TOP TEN!!!!!!! super exciting!

Lauren said...

You're in the top 10!! That's the best feeling! :) Thank you so much for being sympathetic with us on the boys list... you're so sweet!:) How about if the girls DON'T slow down... but the boys pick back up - a win for everyone! :P

Mama Mimi said...

So since there was one more does this make you SINGLE DIGITS now?!? YAY! We're not far behind ya, and I'm praying the same thing "keep em coming"!!! =)

SETHER+ONE said...

I just saw unofficially 5! You're so close! Sorry about all the hoops you have had to jump through lately, but it's got to seem even more worthwhile now that the numbers are moving. Woohoo!