Monday, October 25, 2010

Spooky Dance Studio Sleepover

Neither one of my kids have ever had a sleepover with anyone except Grandparents. I guess I'm kind of anti sleepover with anyone else... for now. With the exception of J's dance studio sleepover. There was no way I could say no when the whole studio (minus the boys) were going... I agreed it would be a little unfair to say no, so I let her go. They were supposed to wear Halloween pajamas (which we were told 2 days before the sleepover....) so on Saturday (day of sleepover) I searched and found the cutest pair of jammies. Jgirl was so excited and when we pulled up I wondered if she would have second thoughts about spending the night... Boy was I wrong. There were so many girls, both dance rooms had no walking room, they were filled with blow up mattresses and sleeping bags. I knew they were going to get no sleep at all.... I was right. Jaida said they had a chocolate fountain with marshmallows (a dream come true for her) Pizza, candy, face painting, crafts, a pinata, dance competitions, games, movies, and a fog machine (which apparently set the fire alarms off at 2am which resulted in fire trucks and almost putting an early end to the sleepover)So much fun for a little girl, she is still talking about it. I love the after picture of Jgirl.... she was so stained up.
Poor Jboy got left out of all the fun. When we dropped Jgirl off he kept saying " I wanna sleep over at my dance class!" (he takes a hip hop class) So we took him for ice cream.

1 comment:

SETHER+ONE said...

She's such a ham in pictures! I love it! It's a good thing you let her go. That's something she could possibly remember forever. She's so cute.